Now, don't be confused. That's Whit below, not Wyatt! Wyatt was at NaNa Lucia's enjoying the snow! Mrs. Tammy made Madelyn a baby snowman, and it's still in the freezer! She loves it!
We were late getting our tree this year due to our Colorado trip, but finally made it to the tree farm the first weekend in December. I was scrooge about this trip...I opted for a fake tree, but I didn't win! However, Wyatt did almost cut the tree down by himself....of course he had instruction from his sister...see the pic below!
And, then came Dec. 10th 2009.... I was the first one home that night for some reason. I think Derek went to get a hair cut or something. I walk in and Daisy is wet. I'm like Daisy did you pee and step in it. Then, I walk down the hall, and there it was WATER in places it should not be! Had to snap a few pics. I think this was our fifth leak under the slab, caused by good ole mother nature and her hateful friend called the lightning strike. Many thanks to my Uncle Randy Dubois with Dubois Plumbing for helping us and having patience with this situation! I think we're good now. It's been 2 weeks with no sign of a leak!

Once Again, NaNa did an excellent job taking some Christmas Pics!

Kid Story Time! Can you tell that Madelyn absolutely loves Daisy. She all the time says, Daisy, I love you, and when we get home from anywhere even if we have only been gone for 20 minutes. she says, Daisy I missed you so much! We have clicker trained Daisy. When she hears the clicker click she immediately comes inside of course for a dog treat! Well, I bought one clicker and I lost it then I found it. Then, I needed to pack the clicker to send to Megan's house while we were gone to Colorado. Couldn't find it anywhere. I'm like Madelyn, did you put that clicker somewhere. No Mam, I haven't seen it. So, I go on a 2 day search looking for a clicker. Found one of course for $5.00 vs. the $1.99 that I paid for the original clicker. Lo and Behold I found that original clicker in Madelyn's room in her closet in a bag that she stuffs stuff in when she says she's cleaning her room. I said Madelyn look what I found in her room....she says, well now we have 2! Not thinking in the least bit that she should be in trouble!
I was able to make it to Wyatt's Kindergarten Christmas Party at school. By the way, that's me in the Spongebob suite! Spongebob was a huge hit. Thanks to Nanna Gail for letting us borrow it!
Little bit of Kindergarten talk:
Wyatt comes home and says Mom, I got girl trapped today...I said what is that. He said 2 girls come and get me and then another stands at the gate and they trap me. He says I was looking for Barrett everywhere and I couldn't find him anywhere, but then I found Morgan Jones and helped me get out of the Girl Trap! Many thanks to Mr. Morgan Jones!
We did make it to see Santa! And Guess What, the kids were on the Nice List. They got home and said Daddy, Guess what we're on the nice list! We went with Megyn and Morgyn and Derek says, I bet Megyn wasn't on the nice list and Madelyn says she was, she's gonna get some Christmas Presents!

Later that same weekend, Dana was in town, so we went to visit Jason and his family. The Coursey kids really enjoyed playing with each other! Danielle snapped a few pics!

Quezada Christmas
Poor Mrs. Lucia, she just wanted her only grand-daughter to look like her a little bit...
She looks like yours truly! Some say that, but Derek would beg to differ, he says she looks just like him! Maybe dressed in camou she does!
She looks like yours truly! Some say that, but Derek would beg to differ, he says she looks just like him! Maybe dressed in camou she does!

We love going to Mrs. Sara's and Mrs. Louis' house for Christmas. The kids love playing with all the kids!

Madelyn loves her pink guitar from Aunt Kimbo and the kiddos! She says she's Taylor Swift! She wants me to do her hair in a side pony tail crimped preferably and she wants to wear a dress with boots, b/c that's what Taylor does!

Few Highlights from Christmas Morning!

Few Highlights from Christmas Morning!
Since they were on the nice list, they got most everything they asked for!
Nerf Gun with a scope, Nintendo DS, PSP, which we finally got working 2 weeks after Chrsitmas!, ZuZu pet!

And, Santa left a surprise in their stockings! He really did come to our house! DAISY was kind enough to greet him!

And, Santa left a surprise in their stockings! He really did come to our house! DAISY was kind enough to greet him!

One more Madelyn story before I go!
Madelyn says Mom, have you ever had Noodles on a stick. I said no I don't think I have. She says, you get a Q-tip and you put noodles on there, but don't eat the stick!