09 trip to Blue Bayou with the Gauthiers! Always a blast!
They love to drive the little cars....b/c they can actually drive themselves! While standing in line, we asked if Morgyn and Wyatt wanted to ride together or 2 separate and Morgyn's response was....I'm gonna ride with Wyatt and he's going to drive so we can romance!

They enjoy the tea cups too! And yes, that's a big L for "Loser" that Morgyn is demonstrating! How did I manage to capture that!

A Dream Come True! It was Wyatt's fear that he would be the only kindergartener that still road their bike with training wheels, so he finally got up the nerve to say Dad, lets go do it! Took 1 day...he learned on his sister's princess bike, now they fight over the little princess bike.
And, yes, that is Madelyn in the background on the 4 wheeler dressed up with make up and the ultimate hairdo!
We turned the page on Thursday, August 13, 2009 as Wyatt started his first day of Kindergarten.
He wasn't nervous or scared. He was pumped and excited!

He wasn't nervous or scared. He was pumped and excited!

We went for meet and greet the day before, so he met his teacher and she showed him where he would be sitting and where to put his book sack. They let the mom's go in the first day and he knew exactly what to do! Walked in there like a pro!

We learned during meet and greet that Mrs. Carley would be selling popsicles during recess and as we were walking back to the car, Wyatt says....Mom you should think of something to sell like Mrs. Carley, then you could work here at my school with me! I said Mrs. Carley works here as a teacher....she just sells popsicles b/c it's so hot! So Cute!
As he was getting dressed that morning, he says, I need extra money b/c I need to get 2 milks and I'm gonna get white milk on my first day, but sometimes I might get chocolate milk! And, as we're putting his belt on he says....Mom, I might have to take this belt off and whip somebody with it!

Of course Mom had to ask him 99 questions when he got home! This is what I got out of him!
The Playground was awesome! They even have swings! They didn't have swings at the daycare playground! The nap time is really short... And, they gave us a snack with icing on it and that's not a real healthy snack! 

Day 2 Talk! Mom, we have 2 reeses time (a.k.a recess time) one outside and one inside. There's a hot chica in my class that gets her clothespin moved..... And, Mady chases me on the playground!
Why am I hearing stories about girls! ....where are the boys!
Madelyn has been in the studio with Nana Again! Madelyn and Wyatt planted those pumpkins in Nana's backyard about 6 months ago....We never thought we'd get a real pumpkin...you should have seen how we just flung the pumpkin seeds! But, we got real pumpkins....they were a nice size too! What better way to portrait your first pumpkin....with your only grandaughter! of course Madelyn chose to wear that! But it kind of has a Cinderella feel!
Of course, Mom caught the biggest fish, but I didn't get a pic....figures!
Madelyn kept hugging me and saying thank you momma you did so good. She was just plain proud, but she didn't know the word!
Wyatt says, mom did you know I can bake my own hook......that's bait for those of you who can't weed through the 5 year old talk! I said No, Wyatt I didn't. Poor little fella...he was doing that all day! I was so impressed and Derek was just glad he didn't have to "bake" my hook. Momma don't mess with the worms!
Madelyn finally made it to Pre-K.... a.k.a..... the Bumblebees at Children's Cottage. We were
given some of the girl bumblebee uniforms last year and she thought for sure if she walked into school one day with that uniform on last year, they would let her in that class.....didn't work! They did let her take a nap in there that day....NOT what she was looking for!

She kept saying she was a little bit nervous b/c Wyatt wasn't going to be there. I was a little concerned but she did just fine!
She walked right in and said ......whispering....Mrs. Lori....guess what......
I have a bra! Yes, she's been begging for a bra! Finally got one for pre-k!
Day 2: and Madelyn says, Mom, you can just drop me off at the door. I'm in Pre-K, so you don't have to come in!
Shape of a Heart!
Madelyn's first day home from Pre-K and she's on the sofa last night with her new Journal from her Nanna and she says to Wyatt. I'm gonna draw a shape and you have to guess what it is...of course she wouldn't show him..... So, he starts guessing.... a sqaure, a rectangle, a triangle, a circle, then I chime in and say an Octagon. like a stop sign, a trapezoid! I said Madelyn what other shape is there that you could possibly know...... She says..... A HEART! duh mom!
My little ballerina! She tells me she wishes her name was Chloe! I think she gets that from watching the Young and The Restless with me! I think she might be watching and liking Chloe's clothing syle as well! She says mom can you get me a dress with no straps!