And, here goes her first hunting story. A 3 point came out, Derek said it came out 40 yards away, perfect range for her to shoot, but she said she didn't want to shoot it b/c she was waiting on a 100 point! Not a typo people, she said one hundred point!
Camou Kids at Triple Creek!
They love to play together at the camp. And, we love that they can just go and play, and we don't have to worry with them so much! NICE!
Yes, Madelyn has the pink pop gun that all the boys want!
It was cold, but the kids enjoyed wandering around the creeks. We can't wait to go back to see the new camp!
Where's Wyatt!
I remember saying Where's Wyatt when he was 1 playing picaboo or hiding go seek!
Studio With NaNa Lucia!

Quick Madelyn story! Madelyn has a pink jacket with a peace sign on the back. Of course we lost it for the 10th time this year. I was describing to the lady at daycare. I said it's pink with a hood and it has a peace sign on the back... Madelyn chimes in and says Mom, that's not a peace sign that a pretzel! :)

Some of Wyatt's Kindergarten Drawings
He's doing so good in kindergarten. He's reading so well. He just loves it! Mrs. Betsy had to miss school a couple days. He says Mom, I don't want to go to school today b/c we have a sub and Mrs. Betsy won't be there! He just loves Mrs. Betsy! Madelyn says, Mom make sure and tell Mrs. Betsy that I got my shots so I can come to her class next year! Derek is like, Delana what is wrong with him, SUB days are the best...FREE Day!
He's doing so good in kindergarten. He's reading so well. He just loves it! Mrs. Betsy had to miss school a couple days. He says Mom, I don't want to go to school today b/c we have a sub and Mrs. Betsy won't be there! He just loves Mrs. Betsy! Madelyn says, Mom make sure and tell Mrs. Betsy that I got my shots so I can come to her class next year! Derek is like, Delana what is wrong with him, SUB days are the best...FREE Day!

LPR Basketball!
Madelyn's first year to play and Wyatt's 2nd year!
They are on the same team! Probably the first and last time that will happen.
I was glad it could happen once!
Madelyn ready for her first practice! She made a shot her very first practice! She starts hollering I made a Gold, I made a Gold!
Clowning at BBall Practice!
Wyatt went to the Albany Jr. High Girls Basketball Camp last year, and we were super impressed with the camp, and now we are super impressed with how much he learned from the camp. His dribbling skills are way better and I think it's b/c of that camp! He thought it was awesome b/c he learned to dribble 2 balls at the same time!
Wyatt played with all of his heart and soul....really focused and trying to do his best!
And Madelyn, cheered on the sidelines! She had the bench chanting
"Let's Go Green Team, Let's Go!"
Wyatt went up for a rebound and came down on his elbow! He had to come out of the game for a bit. Before the coach could look up, Madelyn was out of the game too! She was crying. She was saying she got hurt on her knee, but she was crying b/c Wyatt was crying... That Bo-Bo on her knee was about a week old!