March Madness, St. Patricks, TeeBall, Daylight Savings, Sneezing, Beautiful Blooms and the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, oh the sweetness of Spring!
Daylight Savings Came First! Of course the kids don't have a clue that this even occurs, all they know is they get to stay outside longer in the evenings! The Monday morning is always the worst. I go to wake Wyatt up, he says man I got up early today, it's not even sunny outside yet!
Then, I come home from work that same day, both of them say, Mom why are you home so early! I'm like early, it's 6:30! But, it was daylight! Woo Hoo! We're lovin the afternoon light!
St. Patty's Day!
We're getting dressed that morning, of course Wyatt couldn't wear green b/c of the uniform situation, but he had a green band-ade so he was fine with that. He says well what is St. Patrick's Day. I said it's a day they celebrate in Ireland and we do hear a little bit by wearing Green. He says okay and goes on! We're in the car and he says is that little guy coming out today! He said I bet we see a rainbow b/c I bet he comes out today! I said Wyatt if you see a Leprechaun you let me know, b/c you don't see them often!
Madelyn's first Teeball practice! She was so pumped! Her NaNa Lucia got her a new bat bag. Mom bought her a glove and some cleets and Mrs. Amanda gave her a big water bottle! She was ready! She was upset she didn't have a bat, but we told her if she did really good, The Easter Bunny would probably bring her one! She packed her bag up the night before practice! She even made herself some blue kool-aid for her water bottle! But, when she got to practice, she had forgotten her glove! But, she had that water bottle! Thank you Mrs. Amanda, she loves it!
She runs the bases for the first time, misses every base, we get her in the van..we're like Madelyn you have to touch the bases, she says well these cleets don't want to touch bases today, maybe tomorrow! Yep, that's how my girl rolls

Wyatt started his practice for his last year in TeeBall. Yes, Derek is coaching again. Feel free to follow along, I'll be blogging again this year!
LSU Baseball Clinic at The Livingston Parks! Wyatt enjoyed himself. We had to borrow 20 bucks from Mr. Shane for one of the LSU baseball hats, and you'll read the rest of the story on that below!
We show up for practice thinking it's a regular practice, then we soon realize it's a scrimmage. I run out there and try to explain to Madelyn what was about to take place. She says Mom, I know what a shrimmage is!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAISY! Daisy turned 1 on April 2nd! I got her a pupcake and planned on taking a pic of her eating it, but Madelyn talked Nanna into letting her have it before I got home, but from what I hear, Daisy loved it!
We had the best time at the LSU baseball game. Our first time at the new Alex Box. So worth the trip! Wyatt was upset we were 10 minutes late and we stayed until the last pitch was thrown
We sat in left field! As you know they warm up in between innings and all the little fellas run to try and get a ball. Here's where the hat comes back into play! Johnny, the left fielder pointed at Wyatt and said I like that hat, I'm bringing a ball back next inning. And, he did! Wyatt was thrilled. He says, now I have my very own college baseball!
And, the Easter Bunny did show up at the Morgan house! And he brought bats! That's what Madelyn wanted along with other stuff and Wyatt has been wanting this monster truck thing he keeps seeing on TV. He saw that pic, he said mom I look weird in that picture....he needed a hair cut and he was sunburn!
Madelyn's First Tee Ball Game!
Check those socks out!
And, Madelyn's up to the plate for her very first bat! She comes out of the dug out with her Minnie Mouse gloves on! Wyatt got batting gloves from the Easter bunny, but she didn't. Never Fear, Madelyn's Plan B is here! She snuck those gloves in her batting bag and sported them so proud for her first teeball bat!

Few Random TeeBall Shots of Miss Madelyn. She gets out and she strikes out, but she doesn't take it to heart, she really does have fun with it!
Congrats to the Green Machine for taking 1st place in the LPR Opening Tournament! Madelyn was excited to win...even though she's not one of the key players, she enjoys the trophies!

Congrats to the Indians for winning 2nd Place in the LPR Opening Tournament. My little Wyatt played his heart out. He wanted that first place trophy really bad! Maybe next time! Of course, little sister has to rub it in! I said Madelyn just lucked up and got on a really good team! Believe me, she's not playing defense, she comes in from the game and says Mom, I wrote an M in the dirt out there!

Congrats to the Indians for winning 2nd Place in the LPR Opening Tournament. My little Wyatt played his heart out. He wanted that first place trophy really bad! Maybe next time! Of course, little sister has to rub it in! I said Madelyn just lucked up and got on a really good team! Believe me, she's not playing defense, she comes in from the game and says Mom, I wrote an M in the dirt out there!

Funny how the kids improve from year to year on their own. Last year, Wyatt's favorite thing in teeball was hitting a home run, this year it's making outs!
See you in about a month! I'm sure with more baseball pics! Enjoy this season!