Derek left for Colorado and we headed to L'Auberge Resort in Lake Charles for the weekend!
Cute Wyatt story before we get to that!
The day Derek left for Colorado...I get the kids home... Wyatt says...looks like I'm the man of the house for 11 days, so I can kiss you on the lips now!
We always made our kids kiss us on the cheek b/c they were always so germy when they were little!!! My sweet Wyatt wanted a juicy kiss!
We headed out after work on Friday to L'Auberge Resort in Lake Sheena and the kids and the Van! It was awesome...we could all ride together and the kids watched movies! We made a pit stop at our favorite place! TARGET! And there they are posing in the big red dot at Target! Even a late night trip to Target is exciting for these kiddos! That's a little bit SAD!
We let the kids loose in the lazy river and us mom's laid out and waited for them to pass. Well it was good for the first couple rounds, but then all of a sudden the kids starting splitting up....Here come the Morgan kids....wheres Morgyn and Megyn we said....oh Megyn stopped at the bar! Poolside bar! We're like we waited.....Then here comes Megyn riding this little girl's back..smiling her famous Megyn smile! We're like who is that..oh that's so and so..10 year old little girl! We gave them a good talking to ...said ya'll stay together......then they split up again, but this time we lost Morgyn.....she decided to jump out to get in the hot tub! BANNED from the Lazy River! Isn't that a great picture of Morgyn!

Wyatt's 2nd LSU Game. I have been working all of the LSU and Saints Games for the Super Chevy Dealers... Derek wouldn't bring the camera into the stadium, but I did get to snap a pic before they went in! Wyatt was so excited!
Nachos after school! Doesn't get much better than that!

Horse Parade 2010
Barrett, Uncle 2, Madelyn and Daddy Derek!

I bought her some new pink boots....and I bought them a half a size too big, so I could get some use out them....and there they are.... Dad held them the entire time....they kept falling off!
Wyatt rode his 4 Wheeler in the parade! Mom and Aunt Keri rode in the Bad Boy Buggy in front of him in case he had any troubles! He did great!
There they are....our 1st and 2nd place winners!

1st Saints Game! Is that really Drew Brees!

Every time they would get a 1st down....the crowd naturally cheers...Madelyn would say Touch Down! Wyatt would get so aggravated...he'd say can you tell her a 1st down is not a Touch Down!

Cute Wyatt story! We watched the first Saints game on TV! It was a big deal! Wyatt was cheering left and right....I walk into the living room....I hear him Sparky run! I said Wyatt...his name is Shockey!!!

2010 Fair with the Macks!
The kiddos enjoyed the rides, but they enjoyed the games a little bit more this year too!

Wyatt got to ride the mechanical bull! He loved it! He grinned ear to ear the entire time...Even when he was falling off!
Cute Madelyn story! She says do we get more black like the black people! I said they were born that way...we won't get more black...Jesus made them a little darker than us that's all....she says...I guess they were made from the mud and we were made from the plain gotta love the thought process of a 5 year old!
Derek worked himself to death on our new back patio....They finally poured Monday, October 18th..... I was in the back getting dressed and I hear the kids running to the back....Momma hurry, hurry!.... The cement truck is here... the cement truck is here! They were so excicted over a cement truck! Uncle 2 was nice enough to pick them for school, so they could watch a little of the action! We love you Uncle 2!