Cute Madelyn store.....She says Momma... I know what Daddy's getting you for Christmas...I said well you better not tell me.....She walks away....then she comes back and says..it starts with i and then it goes f-f-f....I said you better not tell me...She goes I'm not!
My girl....she can't keep a secret to save her life!

They both asked for an ipod touch...Wyatt asked for a Camouflage Dirt Bike and Madelyn asked for a sit down scooter!

Christmas Show at school....That's Wyatt with the green hat on! Barrett is right next to him on the left! They don't look too thrilled! My poor Madelyn had the stomach virus...she couldn't make it for her part of the show!
Trip to the Messenger's in Denham Springs! We love to go every couple of years. I can remember going to their house as a little girl!
Ugly Sweater Christmas Party with the Bunkettes! .... We let the guys play Bunko with us in December! They secretly like it!
Candle Light Service at Church! It was a beautiful moment!
Madelyn and the Beautiful Elise Marie! at Nana Bear's Christmas Eve
Santa brought toys for everyone Christmas Eve night.... . Wyatt says...I know that's not the real Santa b/c Santa does not have time to bring us toys on the busiest night of his life!
I love to watch Wyatt receive presents....He gets so exicted! Excited to get some WWE wrestling men.....
Cute Wyatt Story: Derek goes in Wyatt's room to check on him Christmas Eve night...He's still awake...He goes Daddy..I just can't go to sleep...I'm trying really hard b/c I just heard the most amazing thing...it was Santa's Jingle Bells...I know he' like right around here, so I promise I'm trying to go to sleep!
Christmas Morning 2010!
And, yes that's Daisy on the couch in the background digging in the stocking stuffers!
See, what I mean....Wyatt gets so exicted! That was wrestling ring to go with his WWE men!
Rain and Cold Weather Didn't Stop Wyatt from Learning to ride his dirt bike Christmas Morning! He kept saying...I am a little nervous... We're like Wyatt...look at all the gear you have on.....if you fall...you won't feel it! He did great...He only had one crash on his first day!
I think Dad was just as excited about the Dirt Bike!
Well....he's gonna kill me one day....but I just had to do it.....Wyatt hates these pictures! Madelyn was too scared to try out her new scooter, so Wyatt said I'll ride it and show you that you having nothing to be scared of.....it was freezing outside, so I made them wear hats.....that's the hat he grabbed....The Moose hat that his Dad brought him back from Colorado when he was like 4...he thought it was great then.....I said Wyatt look at this pic....moose hat riding on a pink scooter! He's like delete, delete....
Christmas at Nana's House.
New Year's Eve at the Camp
Madelyn goes hunting about once a year! She comes back...I said Derek did you see anything...he goes nothing....Madelyn said well I saw horns everywhere... Daddy just didn't see it!

Enjoy my little singing angel! I learned how to upload video to the blog!

Enjoy my little singing angel! I learned how to upload video to the blog!
Santa did come...and it was a great Christmas! Happy Birthday to Jesus! And, thank you Jesus for all of the blessings you send to my family each and every day! Looking forward to 2011!