January brought us a HOG. Yes, late one January night this Hog was caught by Derek's cousin Scott...They actually caught two of them with a trap...A roasting the hog will go!
Derek says....Madelyn you want me to put that Pig in the bed with you..... She goes then it really would be pig in a blanket! .....The mind of a 6 year old...I love it!

Madelyn lost her first tooth. Mrs. Sheena tricked her and snatched it right out! It was just hanging there. She was so relieved for it to finally be out! That's the famous tooth that's been loose for like a year, but it was only loose when she slept at night!
She was scared of the tooth fairy though....she says mom we have to put the pillow in your room and i have to sleep with you....so sweet! Her goal for tooth number 2 is to pull it at school, so she can get a tooth necklace to put her tooth in!

Upward Cheer 2011. I kept asking Madelyn if she wanted me to sign her up for cheer class at the gymnastics place....she kept saying no....she just wanted to cheer for a game. Well, they made that happen for her at Istrouma with Upward Basketball and Cheer Program. They were short cheer coaches, so me and Sheena signed up to help and we had a blast. We enjoyed the devotions with the girls every week and our girls rocked it as best they could for 5 year olds! The program is great...I recommend it to everyone and I'm sure I'll be coaching again next year! Madelyn and Megyn did so good, and we loved all of our little cheerleaders! They were our Pom Pom Divas!

Happy Valentines Day with Nana Gail! Mom and Pa D brought the kids to build a bear for Valentine's Day. They loved every second of it!
Parent Watch at Dance! She's the youngest one in her class. I was worried she'd be lost, but she did really good! Can't wait for the recital! and check out that bun.....Good ole Dad did that! Go Derek!
Few Pics from Megan and Daniel's wedding. First wedding our kids went too. Madelyn was so excited to get a new dress....she picked it out herself....so hard for me to let her do, but we survived! The wedding was beautiful.....we all had a great time!
Wyatt's first Coaches Pitch game....It's always been his dream to play hind catcher....finally came true! You should have seen his face when he came around that dug out with that gear on....he was grinning ear to ear!
Pinkalicious! Girls had a blast at Pinkalicious. Meg goes is it almost over...I said no not yet, she goes good..I love this! Cute Madelyn Story....They had been advertising the last Hannah Montana episode...I said Madelyn we better tape it b/c it's the last one....she goes it can't be the last one b/c it's called Hannah Montana Forever Mom! I said oh ok.....About a week later she comes in my room balling her eyes out.....Mom you were right....it really is over...she had been watching the last episode in her room.... Seems like yesterday it was the last episdoe for The Facts of Life...I use to love that show! Now, I might be crying like that when it's the last episode of The Young and the Restless! HA!
Wyatt's first Coaches Pitch game...League Ball...2011
1st Game...he struck out twice and hit it once...I know he was nervous....I said Wyatt do you wish that Tee was out there...he goes are you kidding me....this is my dream to play real baseball!
2nd Game...he had it down...he goes Daddy threw me a ball in the sweet spot....and how sweet it was...he got his first home run!
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2011
Do you like green eggs and ham
I do not like them, Sam I am, I do not like green eggs and ham
You do not like them, so you say...
Try them, Try Them, And You May
So, we tried them....and we do like Green Eggs and Ham in the Morgan House!