Thursday, July 30, 2009

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,, We love Jesus and the Red White and Blue

We started the month off celebrating our freedom here in the USA. The kids had a 4th of July Parade. We decided to decorate the Harley! On the way to school that morning... Wyatt said, Mom this is my last parade at Children's Cottage. I said I know Wyatt, makes me sad... Why don't you just stay 5 and not go to can forget that. He's one exicited dude looking forward to KINDERGARTEN!

The Town of Livingston puts on a great fireworks display every year. We've been going for years! The kids really enjoy getting in the back of Dad's truck with all of their cousins and friends! What great memories for all of us!

I snapped this picture while Wyatt was watching the fireworks and he said. ...wouldn't you like to be in heaven right now!
Madelyn watches with her fingers in her ears!

This next part of this post is the most excited and will always and forever be a memory in my heart. The kids attended VBS at First Baptist, and on the way to daycare on Wednesday, July 15th, my little Wyatt says. Mom, I forgot to tell you something that happened at Vacation Bible School Last Night....I said what happened and this is what he said!

"I ask God to give away my sins and come into my heart and then I sat real still and it happened…It felt funny on my body and then it happened."

I wanted to pull over right then and there and give him a big ole Momma hug!

Pic of Wyatt doing his part at the commencement ceremony!
not the best pics. of course, we got their late and the zoom can only do so much!

Wore Slap Out! But it was a great side shot of the Hawk!

Madelyn has been begging to get her toes painted. It was her bright idea to get each toe painted a different color! Yes, she picked out 5 different colors!
I don't think the smile could get any bigger! She loved it!

We did the jumping things at the mall.

Our ride to daycare each morning is only about 10 minutes long, but sometimes it's the best 10 minutes of my day. I'll close this month's post with our morning conversation this morning.
Madelyn says Mom
"Why does the sun follow us every where we go.? doesn't matter which way we turn the sun still follows us"

I said Madelyn that's God's son Jesus shining his light through the sun and he's watching and protecting over you wherever you go and every now and then when you can't see the sun, he's just checking on someone else in a different part of the world, but don't worry, he's coming back. he'll never leave you!

Then, my sweet Madelyn says,

"Mom, when are we ever going to get to the gold pot at the bottom of the rainbow?" I don't know where she comes up with this stuff....we for sure were not looking at a rainbow! I said I don't know Madelyn, the rainbow never comes close enough to our house for us to reach the end of the rainbow and then Wyatt chimes in and says, no one in the world has even gotten the gold. The Lepruchan's get it, not people! Then, he says well maybe my PaPa got it b/c he has a secret pile of money that just me and him know about! And, finally the morning drive ended with Mom, you know what I dreamed last night. I dreamed I rode my bike with no training wheels and you know dreams do come true! Yes, Wyatt they do come true! I love my kids and I am loving every second I have with them!

And on to August we go, my next post will include our first day to Kindergarten! Wyatt wants to know if he has to put his stuff in one of those cages (for those of you who can't figure it out...he's referring to a locker!) or will they give him a cubby! And, he has already asked for extra milk money b/c his Daddy told him he always got 2 milks for lunch!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Slip & Slides, Mohawks, Anniversaries, Swimming Lessons, Summer Camps & More

I was blogging about Disney well into June, so this blog will be one big happy June about our jam packed month of June. Welcome Junebugs! They are at my house! Madelyn doesn't like them much!

Started out the month with the new Slip and Slide. Mom snapped a few pics!
And, it was my idea to let them play with the umbrellas too. All kids love umbrellas and this was a perfect time to let them play with them!

Wyatt says, Mom did you get that picture of me really surfing. He says he's practicing for the beach!

Wyatt went to his first basketball camp! It was super hot, but him Elise and Dylan Mack were troopers. I was super impressed with the camp which was put on the Albany Jr. High Girls Basketball Team and Coach! Wyatt got 3 medals and a certificate. We had originally told Wyatt we wouldn't be able to make it to his awards ceremony, but Derek ended being able to make it. Derek said he was some kind of excited when he saw Derek walk into the gym. Derek said his eyes just lit up! They demonstrated a lot of drills they had learned, Wyatt was real good at dribbling 2 balls at one time! He was on the team that scored the most points, so he got an extra medal, which he was hoping for all week. He'd get in bed at night and say, I hope my team gets that medal. I'm gonna keep making points, so we can get that medal. He'd say one team is gonna get the medal and one team is not. And of course, mom had to chime in with, Now Wyatt it's okay if you don't get it, as long as you had fun! And, he achieved both....he got the medal and had fun! And, he was super proud of himself!

Basketball ended and then it was time for Dance Recitals! Madelyn took dance with A touch of class in Ponchatoula. They do 4 shows, Madelyn was in 2 of them. I can honestly say it was one of the best dance recitals that I have ever been to, they do an excellent job putting that dance recital together. It's quite different than any other recital I have been to. They had dance pieces that involved all ages. One was Beetle Juice and one was Alice in Wonderland....truly something fun to watch! But, the best part of the recital was....Madelyn knew her dance! She danced to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. She did most of it the first night and all of it the 2nd night! She wouldn't ever show me any part of the dance, she just kept's a secret. She takes dance with her friend Annabelle, and Annabelle did the "Annabelle dance," which was the best little dance any 3 year old could put together....she actually stole the show the first night! Very cute!

Mom got Madelyn a trophy for her dance efforts. The dance studio only gave her a certificate and that didn't sit well with her. She kept saying I won, I won! She got a real mop the second night, of course kid size...she's been mopping her heart out. She fills the tub up with water and mops and mops! i should have bought that mop a long time ago!

We worked on flower beds one weekend and spent a long time in Home Depot! We did end up buying one of these boots for my front porch! Wyatt agreed to pose for the pic, of course Madelyn was like no way! Wish I had a pic of the flower beds, but they aren't quite finished.

Wyatt Madelyn started their 2nd year of swim lessons on June 15th. Coach Gene Hampton taught them and he did and excellent job! Both kids ended up jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side all by theirself! Wyatt did an excellent job of listening and learning. Madelyn, well she's just Madelyn. She comes home on day 2 and Wyatt tells me she had to go to time out 2 times. They go to time out if they don't listen to Coach Gene's instuctions. She says, well this time out is just for you to take a rest! She just didn't want to do what he wanted her to do! I did get to go and watch one day. He says Madelyn do 3 glide strokes all the way to the steps....She did exactly that, but she didn't end up at the steps. Coach Gene said Madelyn why didn't you do four, you didn't make it to the steps....she said well you said to do 3 of them! He said do it again and do 4 glide strokes! She did just that....needed to do one more to make it to the steps. He said why didn't you do 5, she said you said to do 4! My indication this child will be doing just what she has to in order to get by in school! Not a good sign!

Wyatt held his breath for the longest 13 seconds one day and 16 seconds on the last day. He won several of the races and really enjoyed learning to swim! Thanks to Uncle 2 and the Macks for helping us so much with transportation to an from swimming lessons! I couldn't have done it w/o your help! And, Congrats to my kiddos for doing such a great job!

Maybe they can all listen. Couldn't get Annabelle in the pic, they were about to race and she can't touch yet! One last thought on swimming lessons! Before Wyatt started, he said Mom, I already went to swimming lessons last year, so can you just tell the teacher that I need diving lessons! That's the Morgan talking!

Derek and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniverary on June 19th. 10 Years Married, but we will actually be together 18 years in September, Congrats to us! I wish I had a picture of us 10 years ago to post, but I don't have anything on my computer. We really wanted to go to Mexico for our anniversary, but the Disney trip kind of drained our account, so we settled for something less. As usual, spend all the money on the kids. I was looking for something different, and this is what we ended up with!

We spent the first night at Hotel ZaZa in Houston, the most romantic hotel I have ever been too. Check it out, if you're in the need for that! Then, we went to Fredricksburg, TX, which is about an hour north of San Antonio...really a cool little town. They have 5 wineries, we went to one,, enjoyed some wine tasting and some music out by the grapes! It's German town, has a Brewry that you can eat lunch at. We went to Luckenbach, TX one afternoon. They have this 1926 filling station that has been transformed into a restaurant, that was cool. Hills or mountains, whichever they are, they are just beautiful. We stayed at the most unique bed and breakfast ever! We just loved it! This man that owns the place has the largest collection of cap guns and he displays them well. I mean thousands of them. They have this saloon that displays their collection of antique spurs. All of the houses were adobe in style. The courtyard was very nice. Had a little church and it even had a pool in a Grotto! One of the best things about the whole town, the wind blew like you were at the beach. You were nestled amongst the hills and the wind, we really enjoyed the scenery and the breeze! It was just a different place to visit! We definatley recommend this little town to everyone! Has that strip of shops for the's a good one too!

Came back from our trip and the kids started VBS at The Freedom Church and the Tigers played 3 games against Texas to become the National Champs for the 6th time. Wyatt was excited for the Tigers. He got so use to watching the games every night, Thursday night rolled around and he said are the Tigers coming on tonight!

Thursday night of VBS was crazy hair night and Wyatt convinced us to let him get a Mohawk. Nana Lucia did a great job and he's enjoying it so much!

Madelyn wants to know if he's a real Indian now??????

Just a few random pics. They had a program at VBS and I snapped a few pic. Pics of Madelyn doing her favorite thing...fixing her babies hair. She said she's practicing like NaNa! And one of the Super Coop too!
Wyatt was mad he couldn't get in the front row to do his VBS presentation. you can see him a little bit in that pic!
