The Town of Livingston puts on a great fireworks display every year. We've been going for years! The kids really enjoy getting in the back of Dad's truck with all of their cousins and friends! What great memories for all of us!
I snapped this picture while Wyatt was watching the fireworks and he said. ...wouldn't you like to be in heaven right now!
Madelyn watches with her fingers in her ears!

This next part of this post is the most excited and will always and forever be a memory in my heart. The kids attended VBS at First Baptist, and on the way to daycare on Wednesday, July 15th, my little Wyatt says. Mom, I forgot to tell you something that happened at Vacation Bible School Last Night....I said what happened and this is what he said!
"I ask God to give away my sins and come into my heart and then I sat real still and it happened…It felt funny on my body and then it happened."
I wanted to pull over right then and there and give him a big ole Momma hug!
Pic of Wyatt doing his part at the commencement ceremony!

Madelyn has been begging to get her toes painted. It was her bright idea to get each toe painted a different color! Yes, she picked out 5 different colors!

Madelyn says Mom
"Why does the sun follow us every where we go.? doesn't matter which way we turn the sun still follows us"
I said Madelyn that's God's son Jesus shining his light through the sun and he's watching and protecting over you wherever you go and every now and then when you can't see the sun, he's just checking on someone else in a different part of the world, but don't worry, he's coming back. he'll never leave you!
"Mom, when are we ever going to get to the gold pot at the bottom of the rainbow?" I don't know where she comes up with this stuff....we for sure were not looking at a rainbow! I said I don't know Madelyn, the rainbow never comes close enough to our house for us to reach the end of the rainbow and then Wyatt chimes in and says, no one in the world has even gotten the gold. The Lepruchan's get it, not people! Then, he says well maybe my PaPa got it b/c he has a secret pile of money that just me and him know about! And, finally the morning drive ended with Mom, you know what I dreamed last night. I dreamed I rode my bike with no training wheels and you know dreams do come true! Yes, Wyatt they do come true! I love my kids and I am loving every second I have with them!
And on to August we go, my next post will include our first day to Kindergarten! Wyatt wants to know if he has to put his stuff in one of those cages (for those of you who can't figure it out...he's referring to a locker!) or will they give him a cubby! And, he has already asked for extra milk money b/c his Daddy told him he always got 2 milks for lunch!
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