Should have posted this last time, but I forgot! Doyle Elementary tried to win some fundraiser money for showing their best Saints spirit....they won in my book, but I'm not real sure if they really won! I need to find out! Mrs. Carley did a great job putting this together!

We paused one evening for some FamilyPhotos on the tracks! These are the tracks where the train derailed so many years ago, and the same tracks that Derek crossed on a daily basis growing up as a kid! on the way to God's Country....N. Willow Street!

Spongebob, Iron Man, Diego and the cutest of all....The TelleTubby!

Youth Hunt 2010!
2nd Year in a row for the Youth Hunt to be the same as Halloween! Makes for a very busy weekend! But as you can see from the pic below....a SUCCESSFUL busy one!
I wish I could put the video of him telling his story on this blog....b/c he tells it the best!
They were in the blind near Wyatt's stand...Wyatt was playing Yogi Bear on the Itouch....with the ear phones in check! The spike walks out..... Dad pats on Wyatt's shoulder and shows him the deer....He tells Wyatt not to shoot yet b/c he wanted to get the video camera....Wyatt reaches for his brand new gun.....and then KABAM! Wyatt never heard Derek tell him to hold up b/c he never took the ear phones out of his ears.....he was still listening to Yogi Bear!
The deer dropped in his tracks.........They stayed in the stand a little while longer and did the victory chant and watched the deer......when all of a sudden......the deer jumped up and started running off..... Good ole Daddy Derek ran out the stand chased the deer down and killed him again! Dead in his tracks once again!
Of course the batteries in the camera were dead, so I had to snap a few stills from the video...this is Wyatt below telling his deer story!
Halloween 2010!
Black G.I Joe....not the skin kind!
Black G.I Joe....not the skin kind!

Taylor Swift
Cute Madelyn Story! She says ....When Taylor Swift dies....Can I really be her!

We always have a trailer full! Don't you just love little Holden's ....I mean Buzz's smile right there! All of the kiddos had a great time!

We always have a trailer full! Don't you just love little Holden's ....I mean Buzz's smile right there! All of the kiddos had a great time!

Spongebob, Iron Man, Diego and the cutest of all....The TelleTubby!

Bobbed for some apples! Wyatt was determined to get one...he finally did after about 12 tries! I think he might do better next year when he has both front teeth!
First time in 5 years that I decided to do 2 separate parties! Madelyn enjoyed having a girly party
Pamper Time at The Sassy Spa!

There they are....Our Birthday Girls! As Megyn would say....I was born at breakfast and Madelyn was born at lunch! They are 2 of a kind!

He wanted to go to Hooters for his birthday dinner.... That's him and Uncle 2 dancing with the Hooter Girls for their Birthday Song!
I just love how Dylan Mack has his hand on Wyatt's shoulder right there. Wyatt and Dylan have been friends since they were one. They started daycare on pretty much the same day, and I hope they are friends for many more years!

Cute Wyatt Story! I'm paying for use to enter the maze, and Wyatt tells the guy at the gate....I'm ready to eat some corn on the cobb! The guy says ..just stalks here, not corn...I think Wyatt really thought he could eat a little on the way!
Dad is teaching him well.....when Wyatt sees this....he says I bet the deer love to eat this every night!

There they all are! All Rocked Out!
Happy Birthday Wyatt! My Wyatt was born Wednesday, November 12th 8:44PM. That was his due date and he weighed 9.04 pounds! That's him 30 minutes old! He was scheduled to be born on November 13th and I wish Dr. Harris woudn't have called and changed it. She had to go to the Bama game...that's why she changed it, but it she wouldn't have changed it.... Madelyn was born on November 29th and Derek's birthday is August 29th....My Birthday is May 13th and Wyatt's birthday would have been November 13th! Oh well...nothing we can do now...Not like we can change his birthday! Wyatt is so observant and he always 99 questions just like his Momma!
Wyatt's 7th Birthday Party at School! He wanted an LSU cake... FYI...Walmart won't write the words LSU on a cake!
Mrs. Traci giving Wyatt his birthday whoupon!
Madelyn got Wyatt his first Edible Arrangement...He love it! Perfect gift for Wyatt b/c he still
doesn't eat cake! Sometimes I think he secretly wants to try it!

He wanted to go to Hooters for his birthday dinner.... That's him and Uncle 2 dancing with the Hooter Girls for their Birthday Song!
He wanted a shiny new bike for his Birthday....
Dad brought home the exact one he wanted!
Dad brought home the exact one he wanted!
Laser Party 2010!
Games 2U came out with their video van and laser tag! Mr. Keith jinxed us....he says the day before the do know it's going to rain tomorrow at started raining at 12:50.... Thanks for the precise weather update Mr. Keith....
It worked out....the kids played in the van until the rain stopped.....and then
it was Laser Tag Time!
Derek set up 2 tents... Team Red
and Team Blue
Abedn and Wyatt.....who knows what that's about! Wyatt always calls Abedn Avin.....we're like it's with a B...he just can't seem to change it! We love Abedn!
Okay, maybe Derek had the best time at the party! Poor Derek...he never had a birthday party growing up! You have to live through your kids a little right?

I just love how Dylan Mack has his hand on Wyatt's shoulder right there. Wyatt and Dylan have been friends since they were one. They started daycare on pretty much the same day, and I hope they are friends for many more years!

Corn Maze 2010
This was our first trip. Wyatt scheduled to go for his first grade field trip, but he came down with Scarlett Fever. I took him to Dr. Wood on Tuesday, the day before the field trip...Dr. Wood says Wyatt you can go back to school on Thursday...Wyatt mean tomorrow... he says can't go tomorrow. He was so upset. He gets in the car and says...I'm just so disappointed....So, Mom had to promise a trip for the next week! Glad I got to go....I think I found our birthday spot for 2011!

Cute Wyatt Story! I'm paying for use to enter the maze, and Wyatt tells the guy at the gate....I'm ready to eat some corn on the cobb! The guy says ..just stalks here, not corn...I think Wyatt really thought he could eat a little on the way!

Dad is teaching him well.....when Wyatt sees this....he says I bet the deer love to eat this every night!

Thanksgiving 2010 at Nana Bear and Tata Bear's House!
Chillin with the Cousins!

Happy Birthday Madelyn!
My sweet baby girl was born on the Monday after Thanksgiving November 29th 12:02PM. She weighed 7.68 pounds! I never will forget the shock I felt when I saw that little bit of red hair. ...That's from my Maw Maw Ruth's side of the was only fitting for her to be named Madelyn Ruth! However she didn't get my maw maw's organization skills....Madelyn is as carefree as they come....she loves to go with the flow.....She gets that from her Dad...She's our beautiful carefree sassy busy bee.
5 year old talk time! We have a lantern at the camp....Derek was showing the kids how to put the oil in the lantern, and telling them that back in the old days...that's what they used instead of light bulbs...Madelyn says ....that's what they used for their lightricity!
Cute Madelyn story....She tells Mrs. Betsy she needs to go home b/c her tooth was hurting. Mrs. Betsy e-mailed me...I said Mrs. better tell her to come up with something better than that.
She gets home that day and she want to see my big tooth...I said you lost a tooth....she says no....I got a big tooth in the back.....Her 6 year molars were coming in....Poor Baby her tooth was really hurting!
Madelyn's Birthday at School.
She actually asked for that Tweety Bird guess why....It lights up...that's all it takes!
Madelyn asked for a bike too! However, it wasn't a nice beautiful day when she got hers...Raining and wet outside! And she wanted Chuck E Cheese for her birthday dinner. I think she has asked for Chuck E Cheese for the past 3 years! she loves it!
And the Day after her birthday...she comes home with Student of the Month. She says it's my Birthday Student of the Month. She had been working hard to get it, and it finally happened! Congrats Madelyn!
There they all are....All the December Student of the Month kiddos! Andrew got it too! Congratulations Andrew!
We've been cutting our tree down for the 3 or 4 years.. This was Daisy's first trip!
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