I guess we didn't quite get enough Disney.....but do you ever get enough Disney!
Toy Story 3 Disney on Ice!
Excellent Show!
Mother's Day Weekend! Mrs. Lucia had a nice lunch for all of us, then we headed to the strawberry patch!
Pick a little, eat a little! You see Wyatt's basket is empty....that's because he eats more than he picks! He takes full advantage of that Pick a little, Eat a Little! I think he might feel a little guilty about it bc he'll say well, Mrs. Heather says we can eat them while we pick!
Such a sad day..my baby girl graduates from kindergarten! She was the letter G!

This is the part that makes your blog interesting...the random pics that just show up! I took this pic at the Chic Fil A bc I wanted some plants like that in my flower bed......I was super close to getting them....I bought them at the store.....but I never had the time to get them in the ground, so they died and I still don't have my plants....but I do have this great picture!

The best way to finish out your birthday weekend is some family time watching an LSU baseball game! I love it! We sit in the outfield....Wyatt loves to catch the balls and hold them in between innings...he does realize that he has to give them back!

And so when they said Rustic....they kind of meant really rustic.....there was a toilet, but there wasn't enough room to sit on the toilet, and I'm not exaggerating.....you had to literally sit side ways! And, there was water, but there wasn't hot water, nor was there a shower or a tub!! So, we adjusted to this news and went on about our business!

And there she is doing all of her hand motions!
And, there she is with her "I'm going to 1st grade" certificate! ...sniff, sniff....
Doesn't she look pretty though! She was so excited!
Happy Birthday to me! Almost every single year we have baseball games on my birthday! This year it was lucky Friday the 13th! It was an awesome day...we had Madelyn's program and then we had ball games and then we went to eat at Cate Street, so Madelyn could get her some crabs.....and boy did she get em!
My most favorite picture ever! Kids were outside playing...Wyatt calls me outside...he said he had been working on something for me! He was so proud and I was touched! It was the best birthday card ever!
Awards ceremony for Wyatt! He would often say....Madelyn you wait until you have to take real test and get real grades...this is not easy! He took it very seriously and it paid off! He received several awards, including one for all A's!
Shout out to Barrett ..he was the recipient of one of the Young Arthur Awards! Excellent!
This is the part that makes your blog interesting...the random pics that just show up! I took this pic at the Chic Fil A bc I wanted some plants like that in my flower bed......I was super close to getting them....I bought them at the store.....but I never had the time to get them in the ground, so they died and I still don't have my plants....but I do have this great picture!
The best way to finish out your birthday weekend is some family time watching an LSU baseball game! I love it! We sit in the outfield....Wyatt loves to catch the balls and hold them in between innings...he does realize that he has to give them back!
Well, we almost had Mikey Mahtook's last homerun ball.....that sucker was coming straight for me and Wyatt....so much that it scared me....of course we didn't have a glove bc we were in a rush to leave.....it landed about 2 bleachers behind us...a not so very thin 12 year old got it.....but we do have a story to tell! We almost had it! A little excitment for the day!
Madelyn's 4th Dance Recital!
Wizard of Oz Theme. She was a soldier during the Munchkin Song!
Daddy got her some pretty flowers. ...even though he missed the first performance...bc of the flowers! Gotta have the flowers from Daddy! Derek has actually always done that...we always go in separate cars bc we have to get there so early....and he has always stopped to get her flowers for after her performance! Such a sweet memory for her!
My Sweet PaPa Nick passed away on May 23rd....He took such great care of my MawMaw Ruth. He loved her and all of us with all of his heart! He was the most energetic PawPaw ever,and I promise you he could talk more than anyone you know now or once knew! I will forever have a memory of him always getting 2 chocoloate cookies after supper! He'd say one for me and another one for me! Sometimes he'd say...one for me and one for you and he'd share...but that was mostly when he was on a diet! I use to love to watch his stories with him! In case you were wondering..that means soap opera...that's what he called them...he'd say i can't miss my story today! And one last memory mention...I stayed with them with year for New Year's Eve...of course we were watchng the ball drop....He got up at about 11:30 and fixed my Maw Maw some wine and he gave me some milk in a wine glass...I thought that was so awesome! And that's what he was....one awesome PaPa Nick!
I didn't tell the kids that PaPa Nick had died bc I was too upset to talk about it. My mom kept them one day and she told them. I came home from work....Madelyn says...Mom, how many people are there in heaven...I said oh Madelyn probably more than there's a number for. She goes I know how many...there was a jillion, but now there's a jillion and one bc PaPa Nick is there now too! And so, he is! RIP Nicholas Fontana......it's just like Montana but with an F...that;s what he'd say!

Memorial Weekend 2011!
Memorial Weekend 2011!
Well, I decided that we needed to go camping before All Stars cranked up and stole all of our weekends! And I decided we needed to go to Jellystone Park....none of us had ever been and it was ashame bc it was only 30 minutes down the road.....Well, they had a few cabins left.....we booked the rustic A Frame cabin! and we booked it bc that's all the only kind of cabin they had left ....but I have a feeling even the most expensive ones aren't that much better!

And so when they said Rustic....they kind of meant really rustic.....there was a toilet, but there wasn't enough room to sit on the toilet, and I'm not exaggerating.....you had to literally sit side ways! And, there was water, but there wasn't hot water, nor was there a shower or a tub!! So, we adjusted to this news and went on about our business!
We had a great first day. We met Yogi, we went canoeing, we rode the paddle boats, we went swimming and Derek's Dad came to fry fish! It was a great first day up until this point! Everything changed when it was time for bed! We go to the bath house, (which wasn't that bad) then we climb in these rubber matresses....we're all on our phones and ipods trying to get sleepy...I was atleast trying to get sleepy enough so I wouldn't think about where I was sleeping! It was 11:15...The kids were zonked out...Derek was tossing and turning like a crazy person and I say Derek. .....we could be in our bed by midnight...he goes what? I said we could be in our bed by midnight.....he didn't respond......then I said I'm not joking....he laid there for a second.....he goes grab a kid..lets go! So, we left all of our stuff and headed for Livingston where we slept so wonderful on our beds! We got up the next morning and went back for 9AM. Our neighbors never knew we left! It was a 2 night minium....guess what...we did that again the next night!
Day 2 at the Yogi Bear!
I saw my cousin Jason at my PaPa's funeral....Jason happens to be in that picture with my PaPa that you just saw! Anyway...I told them we were going to the Yogi Bear for Memorial Weekend and they should come out for a day and they did! That's Tyler and Wyatt enjoying some watermelon...and so we learned that Danielle and Derek need to have a watermelon eating contest! Maybe we'll get to that on our next camping trip!
They have a miniature golf course on the grounds.....we brought the kiddos! Jason says...ya'll just hold up a minute....I feel like I'm in a movie...we're playing put put golf in our bathing suits, drinking beer and no one cares! And Derek says....isn't it great....Redneck Fabulous at it's finest!
And there we are ..... Redneck Fabulous!
Kids had a blast! That's what it's all about!

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