We Morgan's Derek, Delana, Wyatt and Madelyn had a super busy May....let's get started!
Page 1: Princess Ball
Lets start Page 1 with Madelyn's first Princess Ball! She wanted her hair just like Cinderella wears her hair! She picked out a dress from her closet that her Nana Gail bought her when she was 1. She wanted to wear her crown that she won at the Beauty Pageant, and Mom let her do all of the above!
We had to stand in line with 1500 other princesses to get into the castle....aka...the old state capital...then, they came out and said the building was at it's limit. I had a very upset little girl on my hands. Hoever, due to some negotiating skills, who I learned from the best, Sheena, WE GOT in! 
T-Ball consumed about 2.5 months of our lives, but it was well worth it ......we were winding down t-ball in May. My Wyatt just loves T-Ball. He practices as much as possible in the yard. But he wants someone to go and get all the homerun balls that he hits! Wyatt was so excited that his Dad was the coach! And Dad enjoyed coaching as long as Mom dealt with the logistics, which I actually kind of enjoyed! Wyatt has said a few times to me and his NaNa....you know my Dad is a real coach....
He asked to play on the coaches mound as he first called it. He has learned it's really called the pitcher's mound....he can see all of the action best from there...he's not quite moving fast enough for that positon, but he will get there! His first year in T-Ball he played that position during practice one time....and a ball came right to him... Derek said son why didn't you get that ball....he said pitchers just throw the ball! They don't get it!
Wyatt also played 1st base a bit....Another first! But, this is where he got
his first out ever! He was so excited! Wyatt asked his Dad ...."Where did you play when you get the outs?".....that would be outfield! Derek said first base, center field and pitcher... Wyatt wanted to make sure he was playing all positions just like his Dad!

Another first was Wyatt hitting a homerun, which he got $5 for! And, then he hit a grand slam! He was super pumped and so was Mom and Dad! The bad thing about coaching the team....Mom has to keep the book and Dad has to coach, so the video camera gets left at home! Maybe somebody somewhere got something on video for

Wyatt and Coach Daddy Derek!
The so important Trophy! It means a lot to him!
Wyatt played T-Ball with his cousins, Andrew, Abedn and Barrett this year... Also got to play with is really good friend from school Dylan Mack! How Fun!
Page 3: Graduation
Wyatt graduated from Pre-K at Children's Cottage. He was so ready and so proud of himself. I created this invite that just about says it all! He graduated on May 15th, on May 1st...he says...Mom, I just have 3 more days till I graduate.....Nothing's Holding me back for Kindergarten. I have my shots. I gave my butterfly juice...I'm graduating from Pre-K....There's nothing holding me back! And, we wish Wyatt has that outlook on everything he does in life!

Graduation finally came. He wouldn't tell us anything about it. I would ask him 99 questions and he wouldn't give. He did say we are gonna give you some flowers! They had a 50's theme! He knew every single word to the HOP and then did a big Hey! at the end with his hand in the air......They sang Rockin Robbin too.
That's Wyatt in the middle next to the pink poodle skirt! He received his little diploma, a Busy Bee Award and the Award for learning to tie his shoes! Go Wyatt! Madelyn has that one in the bag already!
After graduation, we went for Wyatt's favorite's! Hi Ho and Baskin Robbins! Some of his Quezada cousins showed up! Lots of cousin fun!
I said Elise, if Wyatt is your cousin what is Derek,s he said I don't know, but he's not my cousin!
I took Madelyn to see Megyn in her dance recital at LSU....we were walking into the assembly center...as we passed Mike....She said that's where they keep that lion and the lsu colors are purple and orange!
She sat and watched the entire Dance Recital...she just loved it! Megyn did awesome..she's a natural born dancer!
Page 4: is our trip to Disney...stay tuned!
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