We finished out the month of August strong and started September even stronger! 
I just love my little nephew Justus. He wants to know if Wyatt and Madelyn can go to his Honey Bee's house to play Hungry Hungry Hippo with him!

Wyatt started Gymnastics for the first time! He begged and begged me. I said now Wyatt you might be the only boy....he says I don't care, I can do that stuff! And, he can! He loves it. I have been told this is not something that will become serious, just for fun so he can learn some strength skills! Wyatt volunteers to go first for every activity, he does enjoy it!

First Time for Wyatt to receive Student of the Month at Doyle Elementary. I think it was for September. It came out on the September newsletter! Mrs. Betsy is his teacher and she selected him. We are super excited about this and very proud of Wyatt. He really does try hard to listen and obey all of the rules! Way to go Wyatt! :) That's my Little Wyatt on the far right down in front!

He got a coupon to the Mexican restaurant with his certificate and he said he has to go eat their with his NaNa Lucia b/c she's Mexican!
Wyatt told his NaNa Cya, ....you know the older I get, the more Mexican I will get! Son, I think this is as Mexican as you will get in this little picture right here!

First time to visit the park off of Daryple, and the first time for us to meet the Gauthier's new dog, Princess Bella! We all just love Bella! She's a cutie! The park is super nice. It is right next to a dog park that Raising Canes sponsors....how clever of them!
I told Madelyn that a great big box had come in the mail for her and this what it looked like. She can't read, but she said I think this is from the Puppy Farm! Thanks to Miss Morgyn for drawing those puppies!

The first week of September had one more first!
The First Morgan Mini Van! Yes, I love my kids enough to drive a mini van! This is the coolest mini van ever! 2 TV's, 6 moonroof's, leather bucket seats, a back up camera, 1 million buttons and this morning I pressed a new button and a woman started to talk back, NO JOKE!
kiddos in the back with the headphones! They like to sit in the back...well mostly Madelyn does! And I like that they are separated! And we have plenty of leg room! OR BOOK SACK ROOM! THEY DON'T HAVE LONG LEGS THAT GET IN THE WAY YET!
First Time in a long time, to get pics of these 3 together!

I just love my little nephew Justus. He wants to know if Wyatt and Madelyn can go to his Honey Bee's house to play Hungry Hungry Hippo with him!

Wyatt started Gymnastics for the first time! He begged and begged me. I said now Wyatt you might be the only boy....he says I don't care, I can do that stuff! And, he can! He loves it. I have been told this is not something that will become serious, just for fun so he can learn some strength skills! Wyatt volunteers to go first for every activity, he does enjoy it!

First Time for Wyatt to receive Student of the Month at Doyle Elementary. I think it was for September. It came out on the September newsletter! Mrs. Betsy is his teacher and she selected him. We are super excited about this and very proud of Wyatt. He really does try hard to listen and obey all of the rules! Way to go Wyatt! :) That's my Little Wyatt on the far right down in front!
Little bit of Kindergarten talk! Wyatt says, I don't have time to stand in that long lunch line and eat my food! He's all about eating his food! He was super excited this moring. He had cantaloupe, peanut butter and jelly, 1 small hershey bar and some sweet tea in his lunch bag!

He got a coupon to the Mexican restaurant with his certificate and he said he has to go eat their with his NaNa Lucia b/c she's Mexican!
Wyatt told his NaNa Cya, ....you know the older I get, the more Mexican I will get! Son, I think this is as Mexican as you will get in this little picture right here!

First time to visit the park off of Daryple, and the first time for us to meet the Gauthier's new dog, Princess Bella! We all just love Bella! She's a cutie! The park is super nice. It is right next to a dog park that Raising Canes sponsors....how clever of them!
I was so impressed with little Bella that I wanted to find out where she came from. Sheena called the girl where she got Bella from to find out where she came from and lo and behold....her sister had a dog from the same litter that she was looking to get rid of! College girl that just didn't have time for the dog! So, Madelyn's birthday present came early! We had been talking about names b/c she talks about Mickey all the time. You saw Mickey during the last post! She had decided she liked the names, Casey, Barbie or Daisy....and just so everyone knows....it's Daisy like Daisy Duck, not like the flower! Introducing Miss Daisy Duke Morgan! That's what we call her Daisy Dukes!
Daisy when she first arrived

and Daisy after!
Daisy when she first arrived

and Daisy after!

Few pics, I couldn't get many and still enjoy the moment. It was one of those moments a mom will never forget! She was sooooo excited!
Madelyn's First Puppy!

The first week of September had one more first!
The First Morgan Mini Van! Yes, I love my kids enough to drive a mini van! This is the coolest mini van ever! 2 TV's, 6 moonroof's, leather bucket seats, a back up camera, 1 million buttons and this morning I pressed a new button and a woman started to talk back, NO JOKE!
Thanks to Sheena and Derek for making this happen! Sheena worked her magic and jewed them down!
The kids absolutely love it! Wyatt decided not to take the trip to Lake Charles to get it and boy was he sorry, he called Derek like 6 times on the way home to see how much longer! 

Wyatt, says, finally a car I can kick back and relax in!
They just love it and I love that they love it! I'm on the look out for a bumper sticker that says I love my kids so much that I'm driving this mini van! NO, I love it to!

We loaded the van down Labor Day and took 6 kids to the zoo! You read it right 6 kids! They were all good and had a real good time!
My little JMan says. I see a map....he had to look at it! He wanted to know where the restrooms were on the map! He's hilarious! Then, he wanted to stop at every map after that! I said Justus I've been to this zoo 100 times, I can get you to every bathroom here!
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