We all went for a final summer swim at Aunt RiRi's one afternoon. It was great to get together with everyone! Glad to visit with all the cousins.....not even half of them in the pics! Glad to see a pic of pour sweet Soul too. We had to say goodbye to Soul! He had a great life. He lived on 5 acres of land with 2 ponds and he got to go to the deer camp all the time! We'll miss you Soul! For those of you who don't know, Soul is Derek's brother's dog!
My Sweet Madelyn! She's doing so good in Pre-K. She's learning her phone number and she tries to read all of Wyatt's books that he brings home from Kindergarten! I told her to pick her towel up and put it in the washing machine the other day.....she said....you mean that thing that you put the salt in! She sees me put the washing powder in it.........Salt in a 4 year old's eyes!
NaNa Cya took these for her beauty pageant!

Very cute Wyatt story. We went out to eat one Friday night this past month. On the way home, Derek wanted to stop at Jack In the Box for a malt. We pulled in but the line was very very long and the last time we sat in that drive thru, we sat for like 20 minutes, so I was like no way, So he pulls in to park but overheard that the place was closed, so we just left. We're getting back on the interstate in Walker and Wyatt is in the back of van saying Why are we leaving, Why are they closed, Why can't we get an ice cream, Why can't I spend the night at Nana's house. and Derek says, Son, Why do you have to ask Why....I"m telling you we are going home, not getting ice cream. Wyatt says, I'll tell you Why I have to ask WHY b/c my name is WHY IT! we were dying laughing ! I had to think of Charlie Gauthier for a second right there. he has called him Why Not since he was born!
Another cute Wyatt story. We all went to Walmart one night, something we don't do often! Wyatt was hanging on the front of the buggy and he fell and he hurt his arm. He didn't fall that hard, we didn't make a big deal out of it. He kept saying my arm hurts. Derek says son, is it broke...he says no, I still have it! It's right here!

Another cute Wyatt story. We all went to Walmart one night, something we don't do often! Wyatt was hanging on the front of the buggy and he fell and he hurt his arm. He didn't fall that hard, we didn't make a big deal out of it. He kept saying my arm hurts. Derek says son, is it broke...he says no, I still have it! It's right here!

Fair Time once again.
The first weekend in October is always a busy weekend for us!
Wyatt and Barrett rode in the fair parade together this year. Wyatt rode Little Bit's baby horse Chica and Barrett rode Little Bit! They both participated in the showmanship after the parade and both walked away with ribbons....... I'm afraid we have another set of Morgan boys on the lose! Thanks to Keri for taking such good pics!
The first pic is when the boys were 2 years old......too little to ride, but they could sport their hats! How fast they grow up, now they are both 5!

Few more parade pictures!

Princess Madelyn decided to be in the beauty pageant. It was back and forth for a while. She wasn't sure if she wanted to walk by herself. But, then I found out the day before the pageant that I had to walk with her. She loves to get all dressed up and do her make up. She was excited b/c her best bud at daycare was in the pageant with her! Miss Annabelle and Miss Madelyn were the prettiest ones there.....we don't care what those judges say!

Me and Madelyn went to the mall together and we both picked this dress out. I had to have one that she was comfortable in and one that she liked, or we would be miserable. Madelyn loves polk a dots...she draws me pictures all the time with polkadots!

She did so good. She smiled and she wasn't shy at all! I was VERY proud. She had decided she would walk to the X's by herself but then at the last minute she said I"m gonna need you to walk with me and tell me secrets in her ear! So, I did! She was glowing with beauty!

Family Night at the Fair! We enjoyed some family time out with The Macks! Dylan and Wyatt were glad to see each other. They went to daycare together every single day for 4 straight years and now they are in different schools for kindergarten! And, both doing very well, I might add! Kuddos to Children's Cottage for that! :)

Gotta Get A Dog at The Fair! When I was very very pregnant with Madelyn, it was Wyatt's first fair and I still went, b/c any kind of first is important to me as you can tell from just about every entry on this blog! It was his first corn dog at the fair. I get a corn dog picture every year! Found a few on my computer, so I thought I would share!

Another First!
On October 7, 2009 during Mrs. Betsy's Phonic's lesson, Wyatt Morgan pulled his first tooth by himself! He wanted to know where the tooth fairy puts all of those teeth that she gets! And, if she looked a little bit like Tinker Bell! He got 8 bucks from the tooth fairy and spent it the next day. He was shooting for $10, but Dad gave him the 2 extra bucks, so he could get that gun at the Dollar Store!

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