Some older pics that I forgot to post last time.
They set this up themselves. Dressed themselves and the dog and set out the helment and the football to pose for their LSU pics! Geaux Tigers!

Madelyn and Annabelle milking the pretend cow!
And, Dad took Wyatt to the Farm in Folsum! Wyatt had been there twice before, so the farm wasn't what had him stoked. It was the fact that it would be his first time to ride that bus! We have been singing the wheels on the bus go round and round since he was born. I guess the song had an impact! He couldn't wait to get on that bus!

Wyatt got to pick where he wanted to eat and he wanted to eat at Ryan's b/c he can pick out his own food and they have lots of his favorites! Cantaloupe and Chocolate Chip Cookies.
He killed his first deer 3 days after he turned 6 years old! A 4 point on November 15th
I said Wyatt is your Dad freaking out. He said yes and Papa is the most excited!
The Birthday Princesses!
A very cute Madelyn story. She says mom, did you ever get dressed up in your princess clothes and try to kiss a frog to see if it would turn into a prince. I said no, babe, I never tried it!
They set this up themselves. Dressed themselves and the dog and set out the helment and the football to pose for their LSU pics! Geaux Tigers!
Happy Birthday Wyatt! Another early birthday present. Derek was so excited and proud to get Wyatt his very first gun. It's a 308 that's all I know! And, he's suppose to be able to use that gun forever. We had to give it to him early b/c the youth hunt was Halloween weekend. He hunted hard that weekend, but didn't see much!
Pumpkin Patch.
One of Mom's favorite places!
the kids like it too!
Madelyn looks like she's in deep thought, but she's actually mad b/c Wyatt wouldn't roll down the hill with her. Mrs. Lucia I thought you would like this one. You always tell me that I stare off into space....I guess Madelyn does too! Wyatt was too busy driving the John Deere tractor down the hill and that was just too much for Madelyn...she didn't trust that tractor for a second!
Madelyn looks like she's in deep thought, but she's actually mad b/c Wyatt wouldn't roll down the hill with her. Mrs. Lucia I thought you would like this one. You always tell me that I stare off into space....I guess Madelyn does too! Wyatt was too busy driving the John Deere tractor down the hill and that was just too much for Madelyn...she didn't trust that tractor for a second!
Who could forget the famous pumpkin patch pic! He just loved it at age 1 can't you tell! My Wyatt had just woken up from a nap to hundreds of big orange things that look like balls but are too heavy to pick up!
October Field Trips!
October Field Trips!
Mom went to the Pumpkin Patch with Madelyn
and Yes, that's Madelyn calling up the turkey! She's really good at it! Watch out Dad and Wyatt! Madelyn really wanted to hold the bunny, but they wouldn't let her b/c they scratch too bad. She's been on a mission to talk anyone she can into getting her a bunny for her birthday. Don't let her get to you! .....unless you want to be like NaNa Lucia, let the animal live at your house. Madelyn's cat lives at her NaNa's house b/c I hate cats!
and Yes, that's Madelyn calling up the turkey! She's really good at it! Watch out Dad and Wyatt! Madelyn really wanted to hold the bunny, but they wouldn't let her b/c they scratch too bad. She's been on a mission to talk anyone she can into getting her a bunny for her birthday. Don't let her get to you! .....unless you want to be like NaNa Lucia, let the animal live at your house. Madelyn's cat lives at her NaNa's house b/c I hate cats!

And, Dad took Wyatt to the Farm in Folsum! Wyatt had been there twice before, so the farm wasn't what had him stoked. It was the fact that it would be his first time to ride that bus! We have been singing the wheels on the bus go round and round since he was born. I guess the song had an impact! He couldn't wait to get on that bus!

Wyatt tells us he has a girlfriend and her name is Maddie. And Barrett has a girlfriend and her name is Maddie, and yes it's the same Maddie! Don't you just love 5 year olds!
When they come home from the field trip, Derek says Delana they really do have a connection..they look for each other...they like to play together! That's Wyatt and Maddie below and Maddie's side kick Miss Anna Catherine! Anyway, the very next day, I said Wyatt I think you and Maddie are just really good friends and he says you know what Maddies says. I said what. He said Maddie wishes I was her brother! He said you know I really am a good big brother! And that he is!

One final memory for the notebook about this field trip. Check out Wyatt's pants in the bus pic! Derek sewed the hem b/c they were too long that morning before the field trip! Now, that's a good Dad! Kuddos to Derek. I have to extend the compliment b/c I could never do that. The needle and thread are not my friends!

One final memory for the notebook about this field trip. Check out Wyatt's pants in the bus pic! Derek sewed the hem b/c they were too long that morning before the field trip! Now, that's a good Dad! Kuddos to Derek. I have to extend the compliment b/c I could never do that. The needle and thread are not my friends!
Trick or Treat Night! A favorite night in the Morgan House! The kids just love to dress up!
Wyatt was a soldier and Madelyn was supergirl. To play a long, me and Derek dressed ad Clark and Lois!

Wyatt came back from our second stop.... As he gets in the trailer, he says Mom, they said I could pick whatever I wanted and I got my first Hershey Bar! Must be a Morgan thing...I don't like plain Hershey bars!
And, there's Papa...he dressed up like a Mexican. For a day or 2, Wyatt wanted to dress up like Speedy Gonzales, but that didn't last long! While we're talking Mexican, I ask both kids everyday if they took a nap at school. Madelyn always says, yes, I take Mexican naps...I sleep long! They have to wake me up! My baby girl enjoys her siesta everyday!
Wyatt's Real Birthday! Happy Birthday Wyatt!
Happy Birthday Wyatt. 8:44PM, Wyatt Louis Morgan turned 6 years old. I went to his school and brought cupcakes and Capri Sun for the kids in his class and cantaloupe for Wyatt! All of the children enjoyed it! One little fella says, Where are the goody bags!
Wyatt says I get to wear a big birthday hat all day...he says not to lunch and outside but all day! I found a pic from his first school party when he was 2! Another big hat!
Wyatt says I get to wear a big birthday hat all day...he says not to lunch and outside but all day! I found a pic from his first school party when he was 2! Another big hat!

Wyatt got to pick where he wanted to eat and he wanted to eat at Ryan's b/c he can pick out his own food and they have lots of his favorites! Cantaloupe and Chocolate Chip Cookies.
And, they sang Happy Birthday To him.
Happy Happy Birthday We're so glad you came, Happy Happy Birthday from the Ryan's Gang Hey!
Wyatt and Madelyn's 5 and 6 Year Old Birthday Party at the Jumparoo!
Just wanted to post the invite so I could remember. This is my online notebook of memories! 

Just a few random pics from the party. Thanks to everyone who came to share in this memory with my kiddos. I can remember my 5 year old birthday party and I know they will remember this one! They have been playing their hearts out with all of their new toys!
Well, just when you thought the weekend couldn't get any better!
Sunday morning I get a phone call at 8:30AM that says Wyatt shot a doe with the muzzleloader...I think it was a gut shot...we're gonna wait a couple hours then go look!
At little Wyatt's voice comes on the phone and was a Buck momma. It's a 4 point! We found it in the hole!
He killed his first deer 3 days after he turned 6 years old! A 4 point on November 15th
I said Wyatt is your Dad freaking out. He said yes and Papa is the most excited!
When they got in the van the next morning. Madelyn said are you going to shoot another deer, he answered with one word! Monster! I think he's hooked!
The Birthday Princesses!
Madelyn had such a good time at Megyn's Cinderella Tea Party!
A very cute Madelyn story. She says mom, did you ever get dressed up in your princess clothes and try to kiss a frog to see if it would turn into a prince. I said no, babe, I never tried it!
As Wyatt says...Come Friday, We're out of here! We're headed to Colorado Springs for Thanksgiving to see the Fike Family! Next post will be full of mountains! See you then. If you can't sleep this Friday night, pray for us, we'll be on the road until about 1AM! and then, all day on Tuesday!
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