We love the strawberry patch! The kids loved picking the strawberries. Wyatt ate a little picked a little! They both would say...I got a Big Daddy Strawberry! If they accidentally pulled the stem off....they'd say, oh we have to eat that one!
Teeball has been consuming most of our time! In fact several nights a week! Madelyn did very good her first year of TeeBall and she says she might want to play again next year! Kerrigan's Dad on her team called her Socks...it was b/c her Socks were too long, but she says...he calls me that b/c I run super fast....and she does....she's a good runner. She did get out a few times...but she only cried once! And, you know she scored like 100 homeruns! She thinks an RBI is a homerun!
Teeball has been consuming most of our time! In fact several nights a week! Madelyn did very good her first year of TeeBall and she says she might want to play again next year! Kerrigan's Dad on her team called her Socks...it was b/c her Socks were too long, but she says...he calls me that b/c I run super fast....and she does....she's a good runner. She did get out a few times...but she only cried once! And, you know she scored like 100 homeruns! She thinks an RBI is a homerun!
Pep Talk Before Each At Bat! If not, she'd just be swingin at the wind!

Madelyn got to play first base toward the end of one game. She was thrilled. She kept saying...look at me on first base like Bubba! She did manage to field a few balls, and we were so proud of her!

Wyatt has Madelyn out in the yard trying to teach her to catch, and she actually caught a fly ball twice! Wyatt was so proud of her!
Congrats to Wyatt for a very successful final TeeBall Year. Our little Indians finished first in their league. They only lost 1 time, and as Wyatt says...that one didn't count b/c it was in a tournament! Wyatt played first base and made several outs! He also did a bang up job on learning to hit line drives! One strike out and he was out in the yard learning how to not hit a pop up! Wyatt received the Home Run Certificate for hitting the most homeruns! Go Wyatt! Those Home runs cost me a few times! He even hit a Grand Slam one time! He says Daddy did you know those bases were loaded....that means it was Grand Slam. Wyatt says he wants to be an umpire for the MLB one day! He loves to watch Major League Baseball! He's like Dad why don't you like to watch it.. Derek says, son, I like to play it!
2 Home runs that night! Cost me 2 sets of Sweat Bands out the Vending Machine!
Wyatt loves to slide into base...He has enjoyed doing that since he was 4 and Coach Bobby brought out the piece of cardboard to teach him how to slide. One night after playing ball...we meet up right after the game and he says....did you see me playing some pro ball tonight!
A Big Congrats to Wyatt for making the LPR All Star 6U Team! He practices a lot and he tries really hard, so he deserves it! He's been practicing since he was 3...see the pics below....
Cute Wyatt Story! Wyatt loves to watch Major League Baseball. When he first started watching, he'd say turn it on the St. Louis Cardinals....we couldn't really figure out why he kept asking for the Cardinals....Finally figured it out...he says I like the St. Louis Cardinals b/c my name is Wyatt Louis!
Had to Post a couple pics of Wyatt! His NaNa Lucia bought him this baseball uniform when he was 3! He loved baseball then, and he loves it now! We were looking at his 4 year old baseball pics...from his first year playing Teeball.... Derek, said son, that was when you didn't care if you got out....you just wanted to hit the ball and run somewhere! In case you didn't know.... Wyatt will run and slide and do anything he can do, so he doesn't get out...It's a sad afternoon when the boy gets out at the Morgan house!
Isn't he just a cutie!
Isn't he just a cutie!
Wyatt got his first fat lip from one of his best cousins! Ole Smilin Abedn!
Those 2 fellas scared us to death one night at the ball field. One little fella took their ball and threw it over the fence...a fence didn't stop them....they crawled under it and got their ball back and then went missing. I think they had to go further down to get back into the ball park. All I saw was Lacey jumping the fence...I ran over and all I saw then were 2 gloves and 2 hats. Needless to say our hearts dropped. Wyatt didn't get a spankin b/c he told the truth, but he did get punished and a boundary lesson during the next ball park visit!

Happy Mother's Day! I attended my final Mother's Day Breakfast at Children's Cottage. It was a bitter sweet morning! I enjoyed my last breakfast with both Wyatt and Madelyn, but I was somewhat sad that this would be my last one!
My Baby Girl made me Mother's Day Card....by the way...they are the sweatest...they told Derek they needed to get me Diamonds! I think that' Kay's Jewelers commercial really gets to them! This card says I'm as pretty as a bunny rabbit and I smell like bubble gum! I weigh 30 pounds and I'm 5 feet tall. My favorite food is diet coke! I think my mom looks funny whe she goes on the treasure mill....for those of you who need a translation....that means tread mill! I know she's really angry when Daddy says something! I wouldn't trade my Mommy for my toys!
DISNEY ON ICE! IT WAS AWESOME! Kids were thrilled to see the famous folks from Princess and the Frog and I got to see my faves! Daisy and Donald
Happy Birthday to Me!
Wyatt made me this at school for me! He says I wrote this all by myself! I said you told you how to spell birthday..He says well, Mary knows how to spell Birthday, but he knew the rest! He says Mommy is easy...it's just Mom and Me!

My favorite part about my birthday was the Carrie Underwood Concert! Thanks to my BFF Sheena for the last minute tickets! It was a great great concert!
Thank you Sheena! Ole Carrie even messed up on a few songs....so everyone knows she's really singing!

Wyatt got this lego deal either out of the treasure box at school or the ticket store and he put this together himself and he took a picture of it, so I thought I would post it! It was important to him! He was proud of himself!
Thank you Sheena! Ole Carrie even messed up on a few songs....so everyone knows she's really singing!

Wyatt got this lego deal either out of the treasure box at school or the ticket store and he put this together himself and he took a picture of it, so I thought I would post it! It was important to him! He was proud of himself!
Pre-K Graduation! Madelyn counted those days down! We were a month out and she'd say only 3 more days till my graduation! She says tell Mrs. Betsy I'm coming to kindergarten...she says I got my shots and I had my graduation...make sure and tell Mrs. Betsy I'm ready! We have our fingers crossed for Mrs. Betsy!
She did really good during her program. She knew all of the songs and they learned all of their letters in sign language! She knew about 75% of them. She sang the loudest! So Sweet! She got her diploma and the award for knowing her phone number and the shoe tying award! She has been tying her shoe since she was barely 4....our little engineer! She gets that from the Morgans!
Kindergarten Program!
Wyatt had the letter D! and he was a crawfish! He says I have to say D is for Doyle Elementary and I don't need to practice that. I got it! Then, Derek says son, why don't you say, D is for my Daddy Derek who went to Doyle Elementary!
Wyatt had the letter D! and he was a crawfish! He says I have to say D is for Doyle Elementary and I don't need to practice that. I got it! Then, Derek says son, why don't you say, D is for my Daddy Derek who went to Doyle Elementary!
Morgan Boys are Back in Town!
Teachers brace yourselves!
I might be a little bias, but I say they are just as good looking as those other Morgan boys!
Few Random Pics after Graduation!
Few Sneak Peaks at the Dance Costume! We had Dance Pictures!

Wyatt and Whit and a little UFC show down! Wyatt has been saying he's in UFC training since he was 4!

We ended May ....with school coming to an end. ... Summer Camp Beginning and Bayou Country Superfest! For some reason the weather wasn't that bad for the fest! Our seats weren't great, but you get what you get when you're NOT super rich! We had a great time with Keri and ToTo...pretty sure the guys would have rather been fishing...this might had been their last invite!
1st Day of Summer Camp! ...they said they had the best shirts!
Whoever did the Logo for the Fest, ...it was awesome! We've always been known as the boot state! May as well be a cowboy boot!

Keith Urban was one of our favorites! I happen to have a pic of him from one of the screens! I would post more pics of the stars, but they all look like midgets! Like I said.. wasn't an up close and personal experience for us!
We left early for Taylor Swift...not our demo, but I would like to take my baby girl back one day! She would love it!
My kids just love Coach Gene! Thanks to Uncle 2 for bringing them everyday! I know it's hot out there!
Wyatt and Madelyn went head to head in the "Holding Your Breath Contest" They both made it into the finals with a score of 10 seconds and then Wyatt won with a total of 15 seconds!

Wyatt and Madelyn went head to head in the "Holding Your Breath Contest" They both made it into the finals with a score of 10 seconds and then Wyatt won with a total of 15 seconds!

They both did really good this year. They were both proud of themselves for jumping off the diving board and swimming in the deep end....must more confidence with that this year! On the way to swimming lessons the very last day... Wyatt says....you know if I just believe in myself...I can go down there and touch that drain! I said I know you can Wyat.....he didn't do it that day, but he did it Aunt ReRe's the other day!
June started with a Bang!
A really big Hair Cuttin Bang!
Sweet MoHawks!
1st weekend in June was Wyatt's first All Star Tournament and a Weekend of Trophies for Madelyn. She got her TeeBall Trophy and her Dance Trophy! Both Swimming Parties! She was in Swim Heaven!
Few Pics from Wyatt's First All Star Game! They really do catch pop ups in All Stars! Derek has been working with Wyatt now for a year on not dropping his shoulder, and it has been paying off! Eyes on Ball at this point...he didn't catch it! if you want to follow the lpr 6u tigers: http://www.lpr6utigers.blogspot.com/
Green Machine Tee Ball Pool Party!
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