Baseball, VBS, Vacation, Summer Camp, Hot Air Balloons
and the question of the summer...
How many more days until I go to KINDERGARTEN!
It was such an awesome opportunity for Wyatt to be able to play on the All Star team. He advanced so much as a player! He so enjoyed playing first base and making those outs!

Derek assisted and his assistance was mostly at the plate setting the tee up. I said Wyatt what does Daddy tell you when you go up to the plate...He said he says....Son, Today is a New Day! That's what they say on Chicken Little!

We headed to Lafayette for the State Tournament...3 day event...we were going to give it our best go ......and boy were we surprised with the result!
The Fad for the All Star Team was MoHawks! They practiced real hard before we left for state and it was during those practices that Abedn says ....Coach if we win state... you get a mohawk....Coach Steve said ...if ya'll win State...all 3 Coaches will get a MoHawk....the boys were pumped! The bet was on!
Day 1...We had an easy schedule...First game 8AM...Second Game 9:15...We won both games!
Day 1...We had an easy schedule...First game 8AM...Second Game 9:15...We won both games!

In Between Fun! Trip to the Lafayette Children's Museum!
Started their first game out with a prayer to our Heavenly Father! Look at my Wyatt on one knee!

Wyatt so wanted to get a homerun during the All Star Season. He was hitting them left and right during regular season, but they were a little harder to achieve during All Stars, but he finally got one and it was against Live Oak...even better!


Break Time In Between Games....Won Won our first one of the day and then had many hours to wait...Why not wait at Chuck E Cheese!
After we rejuvenated ourselves at Chuck E Cheese...we headed back for 2 more ball games! Start Time on the final game was 9:45PM and when 10:55 rolled around...we were the new state Champs...Woo Hoo...our fellas beat those Slidell Prodigies.... and our boys were chanting Mo-Hawk...Mo-Hawk! It was so much fun! Something our entire family will never forget! If you want more details on that...go to
Tigers Made a real Double 6 years old and Wyatt was a part of that!
There he is holding the state plaque right by his first base!
There he is holding the state plaque right by his first base!

We were driving home....and Wyatt really was the best Father's Day Ever b/c we won the State Championship!

And, yes we road around with State Champs on the back of my van for about 7 weeks! Madelyn says..Mom can you just write my name on the front of the van! Your name on my windshiled wouldn't be our brightest idea! Wyatt kept saying...please don't let it rain, please don't let it rain..he loved it! Rain didn't budge that...finally got it off with WD 40!

Everybody say YES, YES to V-B-S...we've been singing it all summer...they love VBS and they love that song!

She knew all of the songs and all of the motions! She wasn't shy...she loved being on that stage!

We got in from the State Tournament at 1AM on June 21st...Wyatt started basketball camp that same day 9AM..... he had to switch gears super fast!
He came home Day 2 with the Hustle Hat. He slept with that proud of himself...He kept saying I'm gonna get that Hustle Award..I'm gonna get. I said got it probably won't get it again. He kept saying yes I am. I'm like okay....

"When I See My Name In Lights" ...that's what my Madelyn Ruth danced to for her 3rd dance recital! She takes dance at daycare, so I never get to see her practice. She wouldn't show me the dance..I had no clue as to if she even knew this dance a little bit! She just kept saying...I know it and I know it the best!

Madelyn and Annabelle! She will miss her Annabelle! They don't go to school together anymore and sometimes she'll you know what Annabelle did today...I'm like no and you don't either! She just makes up something!

And, she did know her dance. I never will forget her face when I went back into that dressing room after she danced. She was gleaming...she knew she did it! She knew she had really surprised her Momma!

Happy 4th of July!
We love going up to the park for the fireworks!

Chuckle Time: Madelyn points to side of Derek's hair at the top by his ear at the patch of hair right there....and says Daddy, what is this....He says...those are my side burns...she says...Oh they burn....her next move was an ice pack! He they don't burn!

Coach Steve surprised the boys with wooden bats as their trophy with their name and State Champs engraved in them! Such a nice surprise! Wyatt is still sleeping with his....

Everybody say YES, YES to V-B-S...we've been singing it all summer...they love VBS and they love that song!
Madelyn went with Morgyn and Megyn at MBS! Meg wasn't feeling well...she was hiding..but I got a shot of Morgyn!

She knew all of the songs and all of the motions! She wasn't shy...she loved being on that stage!

We got in from the State Tournament at 1AM on June 21st...Wyatt started basketball camp that same day 9AM..... he had to switch gears super fast!
He came home Day 2 with the Hustle Hat. He slept with that proud of himself...He kept saying I'm gonna get that Hustle Award..I'm gonna get. I said got it probably won't get it again. He kept saying yes I am. I'm like okay....

Award Day. Little did I know they were giving out a big ole Hustle Trophy...and they just said Hustle Trophy for Kindergarten to 3rd grade goes to Wyatt Morgan...
Look at that grin! Try not to look at the teeth! He was so proud of himself! I was proud too..almost cried! Way to go Wyatt! My Madelyn was proud too!

"When I See My Name In Lights" ...that's what my Madelyn Ruth danced to for her 3rd dance recital! She takes dance at daycare, so I never get to see her practice. She wouldn't show me the dance..I had no clue as to if she even knew this dance a little bit! She just kept saying...I know it and I know it the best!

Madelyn and Annabelle! She will miss her Annabelle! They don't go to school together anymore and sometimes she'll you know what Annabelle did today...I'm like no and you don't either! She just makes up something!
Madelyn loves Ms. Taylor!

And, she did know her dance. I never will forget her face when I went back into that dressing room after she danced. She was gleaming...she knew she did it! She knew she had really surprised her Momma!
Daddy got her some flowers...

Happy 4th of July!
We love going up to the park for the fireworks!

Chuckle Time: Madelyn points to side of Derek's hair at the top by his ear at the patch of hair right there....and says Daddy, what is this....He says...those are my side burns...she says...Oh they burn....her next move was an ice pack! He they don't burn!
VBS with the Kennedy's!
Wyatt know I have Jesus in my heart b/c I raised my hand...but Madelyn won't raise her hand. I said don't tell on your sister! And, your eyes are suppose to be closed!
Wyatt know I have Jesus in my heart b/c I raised my hand...but Madelyn won't raise her hand. I said don't tell on your sister! And, your eyes are suppose to be closed!

VBS Continues! They went to VBS like 8 days in a row! Last one was at FBC...Wyatt comes home and just hugs me and starts crying...he says I'm not crying b/c I'm sad...I'm crying b/c I just love Jesus so much......I just hugged him so tight and said Jesus loves you that much too and so does Mommy!

July 18th Mohawk Victory Party!
Wyatt helped NaNa cut that Hawk!
Rockin the Hawks!

Coach Steve surprised the boys with wooden bats as their trophy with their name and State Champs engraved in them! Such a nice surprise! Wyatt is still sleeping with his....
Coach Derek got one too!

If you can't tell....he's grinning ear to ear again... Bat in the box!

Cheer Camp 2010. Purple and Gold...LSU...My girl had a great time. She was a flyer and she even got elevated. She said she wasn't scared!

Madelyn won one of he spirit sticks on the last day for being a good listener and always doing what the coaches asked!

Day 2: On our way to Six Flags Hurricane pics b/c Mom didn't want to pack the camera! We had fun though!

Chuckle Time: on our way to Texas...we see a plant (refinery)... Madelyn sees it first...she says...Oh that's where the clouds come from! Then, Wyatt says that's where TaTa Bear works....
We ended up sitting at the restaurant in center field! So worth it! $25 a person, but that includes your food and all you want to drink! And, it was right by the bull pen!

Wyatt waited and waited by that bull pen for a ball! He didn't ask...he patiently waited!

Nothing like watching your Dad play softball and eating some watermelon....Wyatt was happy!
Chuckle Time: Wyatt says mom feel my arm right here....He says...I'm getting my fur!

And, Dad did hit a homerun!
Chuckle Time: Wyatt says mom feel my arm right here....He says...I'm getting my fur!

And, Dad did hit a homerun!

Cheer Camp 2010. Purple and Gold...LSU...My girl had a great time. She was a flyer and she even got elevated. She said she wasn't scared!
Madelyn and Megyn! If they keep this up.....Yikes when they reallly have to fly one day!

Madelyn won one of he spirit sticks on the last day for being a good listener and always doing what the coaches asked!
We had an angel on our back....Derek had checked my tires the night before and everything was fine...we stopped in to get gas around Tyler, TX ... Derek says we were about to have a blow out...the wire was coming out of my front tire....We made a pit stop for some tires and then back on the road to Dallas!
Rangers vs. Angels. July 24th We made it! Wyatt's first MLB baseball game! Mine and Derek's first time at Texas Stadium....very nice!
Homerun Rangers! Fireworks in the stadium!

Rangers vs. Angels. July 24th We made it! Wyatt's first MLB baseball game! Mine and Derek's first time at Texas Stadium....very nice!
Homerun Rangers! Fireworks in the stadium!

We had good enough seats to maybe catch a ball, but it didn't happen, so we bought one...Good Enough for Wyatt!
Derek says...I think that's the guy from Desperate Housewives...the gardner..I'm like not that's not him....It was him....

Day 2: On our way to Six Flags Hurricane pics b/c Mom didn't want to pack the camera! We had fun though!

Chill Time at the Hotel Pool! Kuddos to the Sheraton on this pool...very nice!

Chuckle Time: on our way to Texas...we see a plant (refinery)... Madelyn sees it first...she says...Oh that's where the clouds come from! Then, Wyatt says that's where TaTa Bear works....
And, now we're in Houston....Minute Maid Park!

We ended up sitting at the restaurant in center field! So worth it! $25 a person, but that includes your food and all you want to drink! And, it was right by the bull pen!

Wyatt waited and waited by that bull pen for a ball! He didn't ask...he patiently waited!

And, he finally got it!

They gave them T-shirts at the restaurant too! And those big souvenier cups!

1st Day of First Grade!
Boy was he excited. He so wanted that top tooth to fall out before school started! And, yes that's Madelyn with pink hair...She sprayed her hair for her last day of daycare!

They gave them T-shirts at the restaurant too! And those big souvenier cups!

1st Day of First Grade!
Boy was he excited. He so wanted that top tooth to fall out before school started! And, yes that's Madelyn with pink hair...She sprayed her hair for her last day of daycare!

Balloon Festival 2010
We love going every year with the Gauthier's And, yes it's always hot, we always manage!
Chuckle Time: They count do for the Glow...10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... Glow....they did that like 5 times...Wyatt says......they keep counting down and say go, but they won't go anywhere! I said son...they are saying see how all the balloons are lighting up at one time...
I'm not taking a pic of a random stranger...Wyatt is so almost miss him in the pic!
She finally made it to Kindergarten!

They let the parents bring them in for their first day. We met Elise and Maddie at the front of the school. Elise look like you're doing good. I said I am...we are just super excited! We continued our walk in the front doors of the school...And as I started getting closer to Mrs. Betsy's felt like my life was in slow motion and I could feel the emotions starting to explode...I knew our lives were making a change as I stepped across that threshold! I had to quickly clear the tears b/c I just wanted Madelyn to see that I was as excited as she was! I got Madelyn situated with this and that...tried to introduce her to a few of the other girls and she says....MOM, DON'T YOU HAVE TO GO TO WORK! That's my girl! Ms. Independent!
And she got to ride the bus for first time! Wyatt too!
They get to ride with cousin Barrett home every day to Uncle 2's house! They love it!
Chuckle Time: Wyatt has been losing teeth left and right. Madelyn wants to lose one so bad. She says...I do have a lose tooth, but it only moves at night time when I'm sleeping!

Wyatt says he finally convinced Madelyn to take her training wheels off. Derek said...keep your body straight and pedal hard! One big push...and that's all she wrote! It's official...she's a big girl now for sure!
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